Fig 120.

59 year old lady with permanent DDD pacemaker for AV nodal disease. The settings include escape pacing rate 50/min, maximal rate 80/min, sensed AV interval 020”, pacing AV interval 0.24” and PVARP 0.36”; there is no rate hysteresis. The sensitivity was 1.0 mV. She reported recurrent dizziness, pre-syncope, dyspnœa and fatigue, but the pacemaker function was normal when formally tested.

59 year old lady with permanent DDD pacemaker for AV nodal
disease. The settings include escape pacing rate 50/min, maximal rate
80/min, sensed AV interval 020”, pacing AV interval 0.24” and PVARP
0.36”; there is no rate hysteresis. The sensitivity was 1.0 mV. She
reported recurrent dizziness, pre-syncope, dyspnœa and fatigue, but the
pacemaker function was normal when formally