Atrial Fibrillation with Complete AV Block


Atrial fibrillation

Third degree AV block


Junctional escape rhythm 42/min

Possible old inferior MI

Diffuse ST/T changes


The ventricular rate is completely regular and slow, disturbed only by a single VEB. The VEB looks like LBBB, but isn’t: its slow descent and sharper upstroke in V1 are quite reliable distinguishing features. There is an incompletely compensatory pause, as expected, since the VEB depolarises the junctional pacemaker and resets it.

The proximate cause of the block may well be the ß-blocker, but its substrate, the AV node, was probably more than touched by previous inferior infarction.

This is your opportunity to make a rare electrocardiographic diagnosis.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.