Empty Wenckebach Pauses


Sinus rhythm

SVEB (second QRS, bottom strip)

Second degree AV block, Möbitz 1

Junctional beats, non-conducted

?Reentry beats of sinus origin

Atrial fusion beats, non-conducted


In the upper strips, the Wenckebach sequences are terminated by retrograde P’ waves of opposite polarity to sinus P waves. They may well be reentry (echo) beats propitiated by the prolonging PR intervals. At any rate, their timing allows atrial fusion with sinus P waves - fusion so perfect in some of the cycles that the pause looks ‘empty45’ - totally bereft of any atrial activity! In fact the pause is crowded. A little wrinkle in the baseline can just be made out in the right place when looked for.

There is some sinus arrhythmia.

This patient’s 12-lead ECG, with a masquerading bundle branch block, is shown below. It is one of the causes of concordant precordial pattern.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.