Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia


Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia

Probable digoxin toxicity

Supraventricular rhythm of uncertain origin ? atrial fibrillation


Multiform ventricular tachycardia


Despite the adverse prognosis and her age, she was discharged home 10 days later96.

This example is not quite typical97 in that the V1 beats show RBBB-like morphology in only one of them, the penultimate beat of the tachycardia. The other one looks like LBBB, where its slow S descent betrays a ventricular ectopic origin. The last three beats probably signify the resumption of the bidirectional VT.

The digoxin level98 was only 1.7 [0.7 – 1.4], but she was febrile, septic and on salbutamol, with dilated heart and 81 years of age. The potassium was 3.6 [3.5 – 5.0] and the routine lab tests were normal. Digoxin was stopped. There was no recurrence. Her AF trace, with reasonable AV block at the ventricular rate of 77/min despite her toxic state, is shown below. Ventricular bigeminy is, of course, always suspicious of digitalis toxicity.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.