More VEBs in Quadrigeminy


Sinus rhythm

VEBs in couplets, quadrigeminy

Left atrial abnormality (LAA)

Probable LVH with STT changes

Lead V3 missing


Each quadrigeminal grouping consists of two (Rosenbaum) VEBs and two sinus beats. The second VEB in each couplet appears to be retrogradely conducted, with some post-ectopic SA depression. It is somewhat questionable whether the term quadrigeminy is clinically useful, unlike bigeminy or trigeminy (Fig 137a below, in the same patient). Certainly pentageminy is de trop. Bigeminy itself is, by the way, pleonastic – two twins. It should be geminy!

The LVH voltage is seen in SV1 + RV6 > 36 mm or, even better, RV6 > RV5.

This patient had dilated cardiomyopathy (LV 7.7/6.0 cm) with fractional shortening 10% (normal > 29%). He is an example of Rosenbaum’s ‘normal’ pattern in an abnormal heart.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.