

Sinus rhythm

Left atrial abnormality (LAA)

VEB triplets (VT 220/min) in pentageminy


An allorhythmia is a repetitive pattern of a combination of beats. Pentageminy is a fanciful and rarely – if ever – used, but descriptive, name. It could, however, describe any grouping of beats into fives, e.g., four sinus beats and a SVEB. Marriott was right (as always) when he said that any term beyond trigeminy is devoid of clinical usefulness123. Why use it here, then? Only to condemn it!

The runs of VT are very fast and small and could be mistaken for triplets of non-conducted atrial tachycardia. The first beat of each run is quite closely coupled, less than 0.4” and appears to promise more action.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.