Three Causes of Pauses & Many Diagnoses


Sinus rhythm 88 - 92/min

Left atrial abnormality (LAA)

P wave 0.12”

SVEB, non-conducted

VEBs, late-diastolic

Ventricular fusion beat (third last complex in the bottom strip)

Junctional escape (top strip) and premature beat (bottom strip), RBBB aberrancy

Möbitz 1 (Wenckebach) AV block


The late-diastolic VEBs in the top strip replace not one, but two sinus beats; in the bottom strip, the last abnormal beat is intermediate in shape between pure VEBs and the sinus beats - a fusion complex.

The second abnormal beat in the bottom strip is probably a junctional one with RBBB aberrancy, perhaps “forced” by the preceding VEB. It may also be a qR VEB superimposed n the sinus P wave, a second VEB of a couplet. It cannot be a fusion beat - the sinus P wave is practically inside it.

The initial group of 4 beats in the bottom strip is an aborted Wenckebach sequence, terminated not by a blocked P wave but by a blocked P’ wave of an atrial ectopic, peaking the T wave of the fourth beat. This blocked P’ may also, in view of the long preceding PR interval, be a reentry (echo) beat of sinus origin.

The three causes of pauses are, therefore, VEBs (replacing two sinus cycles each), blocked SVEB and Wenckebach periods.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.