Marked Post-Thoracotomy ST Elevation


Sinus rhythm 77/min

Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage

ST segment elevation c/c pericarditis or ischæmia

Tall T waves ? ischæmic or hyperkalæmic


What makes the trace suspicious is the combination of ST elevation and tall T waves. The elevation is rarely over 5 mm in pericarditis. Still, it is diffuse, without any reciprocal depression and the T waves could in fact be a normal variant.

The answer, as is often the case, is in the preoperative ECG (below, Fig 103a). The patient had a fairly typical early repolarisation pattern in the precordial leads, along with identical tall T waves and large voltage.

Knowing he had an aortic valve repair, volume overload LVH is a possibility, except that his valve was anatomically and functionally normal apart from an 8mm endothelial fibroelastoma on the left coronary cusp. Potassium, cardiac enzymes, etc were normal throughout.

Thus the explanation for the striking postoperative appearances is the combination of pre-existing early repolarisation and surgical pericarditis76.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.