LAD Artery Occlusion and Repair


Fig 112:

Sinus tachycardia 140/min

Extensive acute anterior infarction

Movement artefacts

Fig 112a:

Sinus tachycardia 118/min

Extensive acute anterior infarction


The tracings are similar to the previous case, 111, except the recording are obtained at a slightly later stage from the onset; the ST segments may have been coming down even in Fig 112.

The only significat finding at catheter was the mid-LAD artery occlusion; it was successfully dilated (Fig 112b) within an hour of the onset of symptoms. The blood pressure improved and the patient was asymptomatic as the electrocardiographic infarction continued to evolve (Fig 112c).

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.