Transient TV1 > TV6 in LGL Conduction


Sinus rhythm 84/min

Minor non-specific ST/T changes

Early repolarisation, anterior leads

Lown-Ganong-Levine conduction

PR interval 0.12”


The patient was admitted following several episodes of precordial discomfort and dyspnœa, but no palpitations were reported or arrhythmias documented. The ECG was consistent with ischæmia, with TV1 > TV6 and slight ST segment depression in lead aVF.

Those abnormalities resolved over 36 hours (Fig 21a) and a coronary angiogram was normal. He was sent home.

Most likely his ECG changes were left in the wake of a tachyarrhythmia (the post-tachycardia “syndrome”), but this remained uncertain. LGL conduction does not mean he had the syndrome.

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