Isolated Atrial Infarction


Sinus rhythm 103/min

PR segment elevation c/w atrial infarction


In leads 2, aVF, V5-6 there is definite PR segment elevation indicating atrial infarction or ischæmia. As in the case of right ventricle, thin-walled atria have ischæmia rather than infarctions as seen in the left ventricular myocardium. The terminology remains because of analogous segment elevations.

The boy had an undiagnosed febrile illness suggestive of Kawasaki’s disease41. It resolved spontaneously, without complications. An echocardiogram was normal.

Below (Fig 48a), three days later, the PR segments have normalised, but there is unexplained sinus bradycardia (for a 9 year old) 53/min.

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