Posterior Non-Q Infarction


Sinus rhythm 56/min

T wave changes c/w ischaemia


The ECG is almost normal (the computer and some of the staff repeatedly stated it). And yet, the anteroseptal T waves are much taller than those with tall R waves. This is an example of TV1 > TV6 configuration seen in early LVH and in ischæmia. In this case it is reciprocal to posterior T wave inversion. It remained unchanged over two days (below, Fig 49a)).

The patient was admitted and treated as unstable angina. This would be unusual with really normal ECGs.

Troponin levels rose over 50 µ/L. At PTCA, a large marginal branch of the left circumflex artery was stented.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.