Giant T Wave Inversion


Sinus rhythm 74/min

Advanced second degree AV block

Idioventricular rhythm 38/min

Giant T wave inversion

Prolonged QT interval

QTc 0.60”


The tracing is virtually pathognomonic of a preceding Stokes-Adams attack. The T waves are large and typically splayed, same as those seen in CVAs or head trauma. They indicate a preceding period of unconsciousness with surprisingly high diagnostic accuracy; I have seen only one case over the years where the patient claimed preserved consciousness at the time of collapse.

The middle of the trace – third and fourth QRS – appears to have conducted sinus beats, one with IVCD and the other (narrower) probably a fusion beat. The second idioventricular QRS is retrogradely conducted, with negative P wave sharply etched on its ST segment.

Below (Fig 10a) is the next day’s tracing, showing 2:1 conduction and either a variable LBBB or ventricular fusion at the beginning and the end.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.