Global T Wave Inversion


Sinus rhythm 65/min

Global T wave inversion

Prolonged QT interval 0.52”

QTc for 65/min = 0.42”


This healthy young woman arrested after administration of cocaine paste to the nose and injection of ‘some’ 1:200,000 adrenaline, during GA. She emerged unconscious, in pulmonary œdema and with BP 80 mmHg systolic, but made a complete (including electrocardiographic, not shown) recovery. She is quite similar to the patient with pheochromocytoma (12-805).

When is the T inversion ‘global’ rather than ‘giant’? To my mind, this is a matter of degree: ‘global’ is shallower and more symmetrical than ‘giant’, but most such distinctions remain arbitrary.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.