
Sinus rhythm 70/min

Right axis deviation + 130o

qRV1 – right ventricular hypertrophy


Most ECGs looking like this would suggest primary pulmonary hypertension, especially in a young woman. The heart has a limited repertoire: this example of RVH is the result of the RV being the systemic ventricle, due to congenital transposition (TGA) treated – now decades ago – by Mustard operation. The latter is, functionally, an atrial rather than an arterial switch.

The P waves are unremarkable – certainly no P pulmonale of emphysema – but do have a rightward axis, certainly over +70o.

Given the marked improvement in surgical treatment of congenital malformations30, there are now as many adult survivors as children with history of corrective or palliative surgery31.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.