LVH with Right Axis Deviation


Atrial tachycardia (flutter) 208/min with 2:1 block

Axis +90o

Small voltage, limb leads

Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST/T changes


The rate of the flutter is very slow, presumably due to flecainide therapy; it was only reported as flutter because it was faster previously and the isoelectric shelf is still characteristically effaced in the inferior leads.

The LVH is unusual in two respects: small limb lead voltage (QRS < 5 mm in all 6 leads) and right axis deviation +90o. They both express biventricular hypertrophy in this patient.

The patient had a proven COCM, with normal coronary angiogram. A similar ECG is in Case 29, in a transplanted heart, also with COCM. The combination may also indicate HOCM.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.