Isoprenaline in Myocarditis


Sinus tachycardia 102/min

(Probable) incomplete RBBB

Left anterior hemiblock

Marked ST segment elevation

Cascade effect


In septal leads there is a gross elevation of the ST segment, which merges into an inverted T wave. This is the cascade effect typical of myocarditis171. Similar appearances are seen in Case 40. Like there, the intraventricular conduction defects evolved into 3o AVB, but this patient had isoprenaline instead of pacing (on telephone advice from her Cardiologist), with VT and VF, and died. Some of her rhythm strips are shown overpage (Figs 240a, 240b).

I was called to ICU to find she had been transferred there form CCU, undergoing CPR for refractory asystole that followed VT and VF. Junior staff did that in the hope I could still pace her, having recently introduced bedside transvenous pacing in the ACT. It was very moving, but I could not even try: she had been dead for too long.

Isoprenaline is not only arrhythmogenic, but can also, through peripheral vasodilatation, preclude successful resuscitation. Both effects were apparent in this unfortunate patient172.

Agonal Hyperkalæmia


Top two strips:

Atrial fibrillation with rapid response.Ventricular tachycardia, non-sustained

Third strip:

Ventricular tachycardia 146/min ?retrograde conduction

Fourth strip:

Sinus tachycardia 130/min

Fifth strip:

Sinus bradycardia 40/min. Peaked T waves

Sixth strip:

Sinus bradycardia 39/min. Left atrial abnormality. VEB with retrograde conduction. Peaked T waves

Seventh strip (top, second panel):

Sinus bradycardia 43/min ?junctional rhythm. Peaked T waves. Intraventricular conduction delay, QRS 0.16”

Eighth & ninth strips:

Progressive sinus bradycardia 32 - 30/min. Left atrial abnormality. Progressive first degree AV block, PR interval 0.24 - 0.34”. IVCD, VEBs

Tenth strip:

Broad-complex rhythm 40-55/min. QRS/T merged together

Bottom two strips:

Multiform ventricular tachycardia. Slow ventricular fibrillation


The agonal progression is typical of hyperkalæmia. It is usually impossible to separate it from the effects of acidosis and hypoxæmia also present.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.