U Waves


Sinus rhythm

Non-specific T wave changes

Prominent U waves[!xe "U wave:hypokalæmia" \b!]


The patient became hypokalæmic following hæmodialysis; she also had chronic hypocalcæmia. It is very difficult to measure the true QT interval in the presence of large U waves. Some suggest using the lead aVL, where U waves are usually isoelectric; this is obviously not the case here. The JT interval may be more appropriate one to measure190, but the technical difficulty remains.

The T waves can be discerned in anteroseptal leads only; elsewhere one could be forgiven for mistaking U waves for T waves with long QT interval.

It is likely that the large U waves have the same significance as the prolonged QT interval in most settings191.

Below Fig 259a) is a normalised trace, indicating that chronic hypocalcæmia did not have a large effect on her QT interval; it would very likely be shorter with normal calcium.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.