Idioventricular Rhythm Mime of RVH


Idioventricular (?fascicular) rhythm 57/min

Giant T wave inversion

Prolonged QT interval


The QRS morphology suggests, superficially, RVH. In V1, however, it is not a true qR complex – there is a small primary R wave as well: it’s an rsR’ complex. In view of the known preceding chronic LBBB, it probably originates from the distal, unblocked LBBB, maybe its posterior division (with LAHB axis in the frontal leads).

The T waves and their long QT interval attest to a preceding cerebral event, syncope or worse (actually the latter – she never woke up). This is consistent with arresting while waiting for a pacemaker.

Below (Fig 59a) is her junctional rhythm the next day, looking like an incomplete LBBB with old anterior MI. The striking repolarisation changes have resolved.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.