Atrial Septal Defect


Sinus rhythm 88/min

Left atrial abnormality

PTFV1 > 1x1 mm

Right atrial abnormality

P > 2 mm in V2

Borderline (for age) right axis deviation +100o

Incomplete right bundle branch block

ST/T changes c/c right ventricular hypertrophy

Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage

RV6 > RV5


There is also a soupçon of crochetage52 in the inferior leads. An ostium secundum ASD would be a reasonable inference from this trace.

After the repair (Fig 70a) the RSR’ pattern, the biatrial abnormality and the RVH pattern disappeared, with some new T wave changes in the precordial leads (common after surgery). Oddly enough the LVH voltages persisted, albeit in a different configuration.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.