Two Movement Artefacts


Sinus rhythm 81/min

Nonspecific ST/T changes

Movement artefact


The wobbly crinkled baseline in the first set of leads is due to movement but does not deserve a mention because it does not distort the trace much. In V6, however, there is a neat, sharply circumscribed, dip after every QRS, always at the same distance. This is what I call electro-mechanical association! Some of it is also visible in V4. It is obviously due to the electrode displacement by the beating heart, excluding – though unnecessarily, electro-mechanical dissociation (EMD)53!

It is not often that physical signs can be observed on the ECG. Another example is Parkinsonism, with its flutter-like 5/sec tremor. Another is the RV impulse in the anteroseptal leads, analogous to one shown above.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.