

Sinus rhythm 91/min


Right atrial abnormality

P > 2mm in V2

Right axis deviation +112o

Right ventricular hypertrophy

qR V2 + RAD


This is a very interesting case in that her ASD was discovered in the course of a CABG procedure: the surgeon observed the shunt (from the colour of the atria) and the abnormally large pulmonary artery, proceeding to close a 1.5 cm secundum ASD! The patient had two cardiac catheterisations and multiple visits to her Cardiologists over the years55.

It was all there, in the ECG. There is a marked crochetage in all 3 inferior leads, said to be 100% specific for ASDs (like in Case 78; see also Case 33).

Even without the crochetage, there is the unexplained RVH... An echocardiogram in competent hands would have made the correct diagnosis preoperatively (if the ECG didn’t). As a distinguished Boston radiologist56 once put it, you only see what you look for, you recognize only what you know.

If you have any suggestions for or feedback on this report, please let us know.