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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Stage of Illusion
Report:Sinus rhythm 63/min Normal trace Comment:This is a potentially dangerous situation: acute infarct pattern normalises in that ST segments are again isoelectric and the T wave have not yet turned. Below (Fig 54a) is the trace taken 3 hours previous
Classical Acute Anterior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 70/min Acute anterior infarction Comment:The tracing is shown because of its typical upwardly convex ST segment elevation, involvement of 1 and aVL and deep reciprocal ST depression, signatures of proximal LAD occlusion. It evolved
Old and New Anterolateral MI with RBBB
Report:Sinus rhythm 70/min Right axis deviation (RAD) +100o Right bundle branch block Acute anterolateral + inferior infarction Comment:Three years previously, the patient was in CCU with known old anterolateral MI and chronic RBBB (Fig 79a). He was t
Right Ventricular Infarction: Inferior MI with RBBB
Report:Sinus rhythm 65/min Third degree AV block Junctional escape rhythm 40/min Right bundle branch block Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage R2 > 15 mm Acute inferior infarction Right ventricular infarction Comment:It is unusual for inferior in
Acute Anterolateral and Old Inferior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 74/min VEB RAA + LAA Left axis deviation -35o Old inferior infarction Acute anterolateral infarction Comment:There is some slight ST elevation in the high lateral leads and marked one in V4-6 with reciprocal changes in V1-2. The
Bigeminal AIVR: Inferoposterolateral MI
Report:Sinus bradycardia (rate uncertain) Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 77/min Bigeminy ? exit block Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:The infarction cannot of course be diagnosed in the original tracing and what was left of its evidence after ang
Embolic Anterior Infarction in Endocarditis
Report:Sinus tachycardia 108/min T wave changes c/w infarction/ischæmia Comment:Again, there are no reciprocal changes in the inferior leads. The embolus lodged distal to the first diagonal (D1) and septal (S1) branches of the LAD. This is almost invari
Reversible ST Segment Depression Myocardial Infarction
Report:Atrial fibrillation with ventricular response 65 – 103/min Precordial ST segment depression c/w infarction/ischæmia Comment:The CPK showed a rise to 900 U/L, while the troponin remained, unaccountably, negative. Later it transpired that there was
Poor (Man’s Exercise) Test
Report:Sinus rhythm 56 – 66/min VEB SVEBs, blocked Post-ectopic T wave inversion Comment:The Holter strips are a continuous recording. Post-VEB beat (top strip) has inverted T wave – what some call a post-extrasystolic repolarisation change. Similar
Acute Infarction with Pre-existing LBBB
Report:Sinus rhythm 60/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Left bundle branch block Acute inferior & anterior infarction Comment:The diagnosis was based on new and marked ST segment elevation in the inferior leads and V3 as well as concordant T inversio