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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Phasic T Wave Inversion
Report: Sinus arrhythmia Respiratory swing of QRS & T wave axis Comment: This is not uncommonly seen in right precordial leads, including the monitor leads. It may be significant if only one or two cycles are recorded on a 12-lead ECG. See Case 211.
Giant T Wave Inversion After GA
Report: Sinus rhythm Left axis deviation Giant T wave inversion Comment: Schamroth rightly states that syncope is the preceding event in cases of giant T wave inversion. In this case (and only two others, in my experience) the only syncope had been tha
Fatal Acute Cor Pulmonale
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min SVEB Right axis deviation +130o Incomplete right bundle branch block S1Q3T3 (McGinn-White) pattern suggestive of acute cor pulmonale ST/T changes consistent with ischæmia or cor pulmonale Comment:In the context of dissemin
CVA Mimics Anterior MI
Report:Sinus rhythm 93/min PR interval 0.09” Acute anterior infarction/ischæmia Also consistent with CVA Comment:This is a relatively frequent occurrence in severe brain injury from any cause; cerebral hæmorrhage is the leading cause at the Canberra H
Emphysema: Northwest Axis
Report: Sinus tachycardia 130/min Right atrial abnormality P axis +85o Indeterminate abnormal axis +250o S1S2S3 pattern Poor R wave progression RSR’ in V1-2 Comment: The patient had advanced emphysema, with dilated right ventricle and clinical cor
LVH with ST/T Changes
Report:Sinus rhythm 84/min Three SVEBs in bigeminy LBBB aberrancy Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST/T changes Left atrial abnormality ST/T changes also suggestive of ischæmia Possible old anteroseptal infarction Comment:In old patients with aort
CVA: Anterolateral ST Segment Elevation
Report:Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. VEB. Anterolateral ST segment elevation consistent with MI or ischæmia. Left ventricular hypertrophy. Comment:The patient had no clinical evidence of MI. Note the reciprocal - discrete but de
Report: Sinus rhythm 67/min PR interval 0.22” Small voltage, frontal leads Borderline QT prolongation Comment: This is a rather unremarkable trace. The patient, however, had severe myxoedema, bordering on coma. One should not look to ECG for signs of
Snow-Boarder’s Snow Hypothermia
Report:Sinus bradycardia 37/min Intraventricular conduction defect c/c hypothermia QRS 0.20” Prolonged QT interval 0.73” QTc 0.58” Comment:The unfortunate youth was stripped in the snow fields to cool him, but his skull and brain were smashed beyond
S1Q3T3 Pattern: Pulmonary Embolism
Report: Sinus tachycardia 152/min Normal axis +70o S1Q3T3 (McGinn-White) pattern of acute cor pulmonale Comment: This patient had the full hand: predisposing thrombophlebitis, left pleuritic chest pain, dyspnœa, shock, clear CXR, hypoxæmia on 15 L/min