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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Lean Child of Fat Parents
Report:Sinus rhythm 60/min 1 First degree AV block 1 Right bundle branch block 1 AV sequential pacemaker rhythm 60/min 1 No atrial capture 1 Ventricular pacemaker rhythm 60/min 1 Superior electrode displacement 1 Fusion beats 3 Comment:The tempor
Failed Biventricular Pacemaker
Report:Sinus rhythm 63/min 1 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 P wave 0.16” First degree AV block 3 PR 0.28” Right axis deviation +250o Left bundle branch block 3 Dual pacemaker, failed, 70/min 2 Comment:The combination of LBBB and RAD is virtually
Sinus Bradycardia: Escape-Capture Bigeminy
Report:Sinus bradycardia 38/min 3 Ventricular pacemaker escape beats 2 Escape-capture bigeminy 4 Nonspecific ST/T changes 1 Comment:A precondition for escape-capture bigeminy is a very long effective supraventricular cycle, created in this instance by
Pacemaker rhythm or LBBB?
Report:Sinus rhythm 87/min 2 Atrial-sensing ventricular pacemaker 8 Comment:The point here is how small the pacing spikes are; they are best seen in L2 and V4, starting small shallow R waves in the latter. I was ready to cross the computer report and wr
Atrial-Sensing Pacemaker in AF
Report: Atrial flutter/fibrillation 2 Dual-chamber pacemaker 3 Tachycardia up to 129/min due to atrial (over)sensing 5 Comment: The pacemaker is programmed to follow – up to a set upper rate limit – atrial activity. This is really meant for sinus rhyth
Another Paced Bigeminy
Report:Sinus rhythm 88/min 1 AV block, unspecified 1 DDD pacemaker rhythm 62/min 1 Alternating atrial sensing and pacing 2 Failure to sense alternate P waves 2 Atrial trigeminy 1 Ventricular bigeminy 1 Posterior electrode position 1 Comment:The se
AV Dissociation with Interference
Report:Sinus rhythm 1 Borderline right atrial abnormality (RAA) 1 SVEB 1 Ventricular demand pacemaker rhythm 72/min 2 AV dissociation with interference 2 Fusion beat 2 Nonspecific ST/T changes 1 Comment:The sinus P waves march through the first fo
Fat QRS Complexes
Report: Sinus rhythm 1 First degree AV block (PR 0.24”) 1 Right bundle branch block (QRS 0.20”) 2 VEBs ? junctional premature beats (QRS 0.20”, one narrower 0.12”) 1 Demand pacemaker 2 LBBB morphology (QRS 0.20”) 0 Fusion beats (narrowest QRS 0.16”,
Atrial-Triggered Failed Pacemaker
Report:Sinus rhythm 94 - 96/min 1 First degree AV block (PR 0.28") 2 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 Atrial-triggered ventricular pacemaker 2 Failure to pace 3 LVH with ST/T changes (incomplete LBBB) ± ischæmia 1 Comment:The pacing spikes bear const
Alternating Atrial Transport
Report: AV sequential pacemaker rhythm 78/min 4 Atrial capture in alternate cycles 3 Sinus ? atrial bigeminy in alternate cycles 3 Comment: Nobody would have looked hard at the atrial activity were the alternans not observed on the pressure display.