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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Complete AV Block
Report:Third degree AV block Sinus bradycardia 42/min Junctional beats (top strip) Atrial fibrillation Junctional escape rhythm 36/min Pacemaker rhythm 82/min Short QT interval ? digoxin toxicity Comment:The varied atrial activity has no effect on
Post-Ectopic SA Depression Mime of SA Wenckebach
Report:Sinus rhythm 87/min SVEBs, blocked First degree AV block Right bundle branch block Comment:Acceleration before pauses is the hallmark of SA Wenckebach exit block. This would be a good example if the pauses were not generated by premature block
Möbitz 2 Block
Report: Sinus rhythm First degree AV block PR 0.22” Second degree AV block, Möbitz 2 Left posterior hemiblock Right bundle branch block Comment: The fixity of the PR interval rules out Möbitz 1 (Wenckebach) mechanism for the AV block. Almost invaria
Sino-Atrial Exit Block
Report:Sinus rhythm 74/min 3:2 sino-atrial exit block Bigeminy Negative U waves in lead 1 Comment:The same comments can be made here as for the preceding Case 93. It, too, could have Möbitz 2 mechanism. Below (Fig 94a) is another trace, with long cyc
Skipped and Blocked SVEBs
Report:Sinus tachycardia 100/min Blocked atrial premature beats interrupting Wenckebach sequences Over the top conduction (skipped P’ waves) Post-ectopic sinoatrial depression VEB Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Small voltage in frontal leads Nonspec
Alternating Retrograde Conduction in Accelerated Junctional Rhythm
Report:Accelerated junctional rhythm 92/min 2:1 retrograde block Right axis deviation Lateral infarction, acute or recent Borderline small voltage in frontal leads Electrical alternans V1 Comment:One would be tempted to say that this trace is an exa
Sinus Bradycardia: Escape-Capture Bigeminy
Report:Sinus bradycardia 34 - 43/min Junctional escape beats Escape-capture bigeminy Phasic aberrant conduction, RBBB type Comment: The mechanism of the bigeminy is sinus bradycardia. Here the effective sinus cycle is the same as the actual one; in ot
Empty Wenckebach Pauses
Report: Sinus rhythm SVEB (second QRS, bottom strip) Second degree AV block, Möbitz 1 Junctional beats, non-conducted ?Reentry beats of sinus origin Atrial fusion beats, non-conducted Comment: In the upper strips, the Wenckebach sequences are termin
Iatrogenic Ventricular Standstill
Report: Sinus rhythm 100/min Ventricular standstill (asystole) Comment: Hereby hangs a tale: The ECG technician ran to my (reporting) room in New York pale and trembling, clutching this trace in obvious fear. A senior Cardiologist saw her taking the ro
Heart Transplant: Atrial ‘Parasystole’
Report: Top strip: Sinus rhythm 86/min Short PR interval 0.10” Sinus rhythm (non-conducted) 76 - 78/min Atrial pseudofusion beat (middle of the strip) Bottom strip: Sinus rhythm 89/min Short PR interval 0.10” Sinus rhythm (non-conducted) 89/min C