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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Old Posterior and New Inferior Infarct
Report:Sinus rhythm 57/min Left axis deviation Posterior infarction, old Recent or acute inferior infarction Comment:Strictly speaking, the report should have said: inferoposterior MI, ?age. The patient had a known posterior infarction and left anter
Unlikely Early Repolarisation
Report:Sinus rhythm 78/min Anterior infarction/ischæmia Comment:The computer reported the trace as normal, apart from “probable early repolarisation pattern”. The reciprocal ST segment depression in the inferior leads was ignored. The ECG was repeated i
Inferoposterior Infarction
Report:Sinus tachycardia 108/min Accelerated junctional rhythm 98/min SVEB (6th complex, a pseudofusion beat) Movement artefact Pacemaker, electronic, 70/min Failure to sense Acute infero(postero)lateral infarction Low voltage in frontal leads Com
VEB Revealing Old Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm Atrial bigeminy VEB LVH with ST/T changes Old anterior infarction Comment:A VEB can at times show infarctional Q waves not visible in normal complexes. This holds for QR and similar morphologies, but not the QS complexes44. In thi
Small Ts in 1 and V6
Re-arrange ECGs to true time sequence, re-write report! Report:Sinus rhythm 59/min T wave changes c/w ischæmia Comment:The TV1 > TV646 or T3 > T1 phenomenon is less well known than it should be. It is not normal, as most computer programmes would have
Old Anterior and Acute Inferior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 93/min VEB (fusion beat in V1) Left axis deviation -60o Left anterior hemiblock + intraventricular conduction defect Acute inferior infarction Right ventricular infarction Old anterolateral infarction Comment:The patient had ant
Classical Acute Anterior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 70/min Acute anterior infarction Comment:The tracing is shown because of its typical upwardly convex ST segment elevation, involvement of 1 and aVL and deep reciprocal ST depression, signatures of proximal LAD occlusion. It evolved
Old and New Inferior Infarction
Report:Sinus bradycardia 44/min First degree AV block Right bundle branch block Acute inferior infarction Comment:The splayed, low-amplitude P waves are difficult to time with respect to possible 2:1 block at 88/min. Even isorhythmic AV dissociation c
Isolated Posterior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 68/min Old posterior infarction Comment:There is, in V1, a dominant R wave (R/S > 1.0) with upright T wave and absence of other causes of dominant R there (RBBB, WPW ‘A’, RVH). True posterior infarct. The tracing is otherwise norma
Posterior Infarction or Normal Variant
Report:Sinus rhythm 60/min Probable posterior infarction Comment:This trace is more abnormal than the preceding one, with flat or low-amplitude T waves in the inferolateral leads. However, the heart was normal echocardiographically and on autopsy. The p