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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Frequent, Multiform, R-on-T VEBs in Acute MI
Report:Atrial fibrillation Possible run of accelerated junctional rhythm 75/min (first four beats) VEBs, dimorphic couplet, R-on-T phenomenon Acute anterolateral infarction Probable old inferior infarction Comment:There is obvious ST segment elevati
Anterior MI: Bigeminal VEBs with Retrograde Conduction
Report:Sinus rhythm 56 – 64/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) VEBs, bigeminal Retrograde VA conduction Acute anterior infarction Comment:It would be redundant to report poor R wave progression in the face of obvious anterior infarction (the computer
Inferior MI, VEBs & Persistent Wenckebach
Report:Sinus tachycardia 104/min VEBs, frequent, multiform Second degree AV block, Möbitz 1 (Wenckebach) Late transition Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay (IVCD) Acute inferior infarction Anterolateral ST/T changes c/w MI/ischæmia Comm
Acute Anterior MI: Frequent R-on-T VEBs
Report:Sinus rhythm 64/min Frequent R-on-T VEBs Extensive acute anterior infarction Comment:This VEB density (a Holter term) would have evoked xylocaine reflex4 until quite recently. Lown Class V ventricular ectopic activity5 even more so. However, in
Agonal Rhythm
Report: Atrial standstill VEBs (ventricular escape beats) Ventricular tachycardia 110/min Comment: Despite its irregular rate, the broad complex tachycardia is unlikely to represent ventricular response to atrial fibrillation. The agonal rhythm is usua
Torsade de Pointes
Report: Sinus tachycardia 104/min First degree AV block (PR 0.25”) Borderline QTc prolongation (0.38”) VEBs, multiform Dimorphic couplet (beginning of bottom strip) Run of multiform ventricular tachycardia, probably torsade de pointes Comment: The b
VEBs & U Waves: Hypokalæmia
ReportSinus rhythm. Sinus arrhythmia. VEBs, bigeminy. Prominent U waves consistent with hypokalæmia. Comment:The ECG monitor alarmed at the heart rate 34/min. This need not be merely spurious bradycardia, a mistake in the first place, due to negative
Report:Sinus tachycardia 111/min VEBs in bigeminy Fusion beats Comment:The first fusion beat appears at the end of the top strip. The middle strips show VEBs in bigeminy, without fusion; the bottom strip shows later-coupled VEBs in fusion, mimicking al
Adrenaline Bradycardia
Report:Sinus tachycardia 115/min (top) Sinus rhythm 90/min (bottom) VEBs Fusion beats Comment:The rate response is paradoxical, but well documented in normal volunteers. The pressor effect of adrenaline can evoke reflex slowing of the heart rate, over
Chronotropic Incompetence
Report:Atrial fibrillation with “controlled” response Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) VEBs Comment:Although the ventricular rate appears favourable, it is in fact inappropriately slow in the setting of shock, pulmonary hypertension (see the p