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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Long QT Interval Post-VF
Report:Sinus rhythm 65/min Right axis deviation +100o Late transition Long QT interval 0.54” QTc 0.56” Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:She died from cerebral sequelae of her VF arrest; it is reasonable to ascribe the QT prolongation to cerebral inj
Mitral Stenosis
Report:Sinus rhythm 99/min Right axis deviation +125o Late transition (clockwise rotation) Left atrial abnormality Small voltage in frontal leads Comment:The combination of LAA and presumptive RVH (from RAD and clockwise rotation) is suggestive of mi
Myocarditis: the Cascade Effect
Report:Sinus tachycardia 122/min First degree AV block PR interval 0.22” Left anterior hemiblock Right bundle branch block ST/T changes c/c anteroseptal infarction or myocarditis Comment: Sinus P waves are best seen at the end of the T wave in the
LVH Voltage Despite Old Infarctions
Report:Sinus rhythm 92/min PR interval 0.20” LVH voltage (RL1 >20 mm, etc) Old anterior infarction Old inferior infarction Comment:Although the commonest cause of small voltage are large or multiple infarctions, the latter may coexist with large volt
Report:Sinus rhythm 57/min Borderline first degree AV block PR 0.22” Right (or northwest) axis deviation +225o RsR’ V1 Poor R wave progression Possible right ventricular hypertrophy Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage Possible old inferolateral i
Fatal Pulmonary Embolism
Report:Sinus tachycardia 102/min ST/T changes c/c infarction/ischæmia Possible acute cor pulmonale S1T3 pattern Comment:This is a difficult tracing. The modest ST elevation in V1-2 is associated with what looks like reciprocal ST depression in inferol
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Report:Sinus tachycardia 135/min Left atrial abnormality Posterolateral infarction pattern c/c muscular dystrophy Comment:The pattern of fully developed Duchenne dystrophy is very characteristic, reflecting the posterolateral scarring of the left ventr
CVA Mimics Anterior MI
Report:Sinus rhythm 93/min PR interval 0.09” Acute anterior infarction/ischæmia Also consistent with CVA Comment:This is a relatively frequent occurrence in severe brain injury from any cause; cerebral hæmorrhage is the leading cause at the Canberra H
No Pacing and 2:1 Failure to Sense
Report:Sinus rhythm 55/min 1 Demand pacemaker: failure to pace 2 2:1 failure to sense 5 LVH voltage (SV2 25mm) 0.5 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 0.5 Old inferior infarct 0.5 Possible old anterior infarct (loss of R height from V2 to V3) 0.5 Commen
Agonal Rhythm
Report:Pacemaker rhythm 60/min 2 Absolute small voltage 3 Probable acute anterior infarction 5 Comment:There is probably an atrial standstill. The patient sustained clinical acute infarction and cardiogenic shock, dying within minutes of this trace b