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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
The Commonest Cause of a Pause
Report:Sinus tachycardia 100/min 1 Atrial-sensing ventricular pacemaker rhythm 1 Blocked SVEB 6 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 Right bundle branch block 1 Comment:There is a subtle but definite change in the T wave of the last paced beat before the
Atrial Pacemaker: Failure to Sense
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min 1 Atrial pacemaker 2 Failure to sense 2 Blocked atrial P waves of pacemaker origin 4 Left bundle branch block 1 Comment:There is a profusion of pacemaker spikes and LBBB complexes, giving an initial impression of variable a