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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Northwest Axis of Ventricular Tachycardia
Report: Ventricular tachycardia 167/min Comment: The diagnosis of VT rests on monophasic R wave in V1, rS in V6 and the bizarre, ‘Northwest’ axis in the limb leads. In V1 there is a soupçon of rabbit ears, with the left one taller than the right. In the
Escape-Capture Bigeminy in AF
Report: Atrial fibrillation High-grade or complete AV block Junctional rhythm 39/min Pacemaker (escape) rhythm Escape-capture bigeminy Left anterior hemiblock (LAHB) Right bundle branch block Anteroseptal infarction, age uncertain ST/T changes con
Atrial Fusion Beats
Report:Sinus rhythm Junctional ? atrial rhythm Shifting (atrial) pacemaker Atrial fusion beats AV dissociation Probable third degree AV block Pacemaker rhythm 63/min Comment:Again, this is a "trick" question, designed to make one look (in vain) for
Complete AV Block
Report:Third degree AV block Sinus bradycardia 42/min Junctional beats (top strip) Atrial fibrillation Junctional escape rhythm 36/min Pacemaker rhythm 82/min Short QT interval ? digoxin toxicity Comment:The varied atrial activity has no effect on
Failed Pacemaker?
Report: Sinus tachycardia 104 - 124/min First degree AV block[!xe "PR interval:long" \t "See AV block, first degree"!] Second degree AV block, probably Möbitz 2 Third degree AV block Ventricular standstill Junctional escape rhythm, ventricular escape
Skipped P Waves in Wenckebach Conduction
Report: Sinus tachycardia 120-128/min First degree AV block Second degree AV block, Möbitz 1 Periods of 3:2 conduction, with bigeminy Right bundle branch block Pacemaker rhythm 72/min Fusion and pseudofusion beats Comment: The key to correct interp
Iatrogenic Ventricular Standstill
Report: Sinus rhythm 100/min Ventricular standstill (asystole) Comment: Hereby hangs a tale: The ECG technician ran to my (reporting) room in New York pale and trembling, clutching this trace in obvious fear. A senior Cardiologist saw her taking the ro
Lean Children of Fat Parents
Report: Sinus arrhythmia ? Sino-atrial exit block, Möbitz I Right bundle branch block Pacemaker escape beats Ventricular fusion beats ‘Normalisation’ of QRS Comment: Both ‘normal’ complexes (one in each strip) and the small RBBB complex (6th in the
Wenckebach AV Block in Acute Inferior Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 90/min Möbitz 1 (Wenckebach) second degree AV block Intraventricular conduction defect (IVCD) QRS 0.12” Acute inferior infarction Comment:The most striking feature are the marked precordial reciprocal changes, indicating extensive
Inferoposterior Infarction
Report:Sinus tachycardia 108/min Accelerated junctional rhythm 98/min SVEB (6th complex, a pseudofusion beat) Movement artefact Pacemaker, electronic, 70/min Failure to sense Acute infero(postero)lateral infarction Low voltage in frontal leads Com