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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Triple Hæmodynamic Handicap
Report:Upper strip: Dual pacemaker rhythm 89/min 1 Ventricular pacing, no atrial capture 1 1:1 retrograde (ventriculo-atrial) conduction 1 SVEB, blocked 3 Atrial capture by the atrial lead following the SVEB 1 Lower strip: Dual pacemaker rhythm 89
Slowing Rate with Battery Depletion
Report:Atrial fibrillation 1 Pacemaker rhythm 60/min 2 Possible battery depletion 7 Comment:Battery depletion is usually programmed to manifest itself by slowing to a pre-set rate, in this case 60/min. This patient’s potential problem was in fact dia