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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
RBBB with Amputated Primary R Wave
Report:Sinus rhythm 95/min Right axis deviation Right bundle branch block Recent anterior infarct Comment:The QR complex in V1 is still RBBB since the delay is all in the RV territory. Before the infarction it was an rSr’ of normal duration (not shown
Inferoposterolateral Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 70/min Right axis deviation (RAD) ±180o Inferoposterolateral infarction, age indeterminate Comment:Complete proximal circumflex lesion was stented, with large basal infarction and surprisingly preserved LVEF 50%13. It is not possibl
Ischæmic ST Segment Depression
Report:Sinus rhythm 69/min Right axis deviation +95o ST segment depression c/w ischæmia Comment:The patient had unstable angina and her ECG reflects her coronary disease. The ST segments are over 1 mm depressed, horizontal (“plane” depression) and the
Old and New Anterolateral MI with RBBB
Report:Sinus rhythm 70/min Right axis deviation (RAD) +100o Right bundle branch block Acute anterolateral + inferior infarction Comment:Three years previously, the patient was in CCU with known old anterolateral MI and chronic RBBB (Fig 79a). He was t
Lateral Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 73/min Acute (high) lateral infarction Comment:There is (typically) discrete but in this case quite definite ST segment elevation in the lateral leads 1 and aVL. Reciprocal depression is (again, typically) even more prominent in 3 an
Acute Lateral Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 95/min Acute lateral infarction Comment:There is an obvious acute (with upright T waves) ST segment elevation in the (high) lateral leads 1 and aVL with reciprocal changes in the inferior leads. Lead 2 shows only slight depression be