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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
RBBB & Contralateral Escape Beats
Report: Atrial fibrillation with slow response Right bundle branch block Borderline left axis deviation –30o Ventricular escape beats with left bundle branch block morphology Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment: One instinctively looks (or should look)
Intraventricular Conduction Delay
Report:Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response 159/min Intraventricular conduction delay (IVCD), QRS 0.26” Comment:The tracing has some elements of RBBB with marked LAD due to QS in lead 2 and Qr in 3 and aVF. In lead 1, however, the initial
Crying Wolff with Surprising Outcome
Report: Supraventricular, possibly junctional, rhythm 54/min Wolff-Parkinson-White conduction, type ‘B’ Comment: One cannot be completely certain of the provenance of the atrial impulses; they are flat or biphasic in the frontal plane leads. In V1, howe
Broad-Complex Tachycardia?
Report:Atrial fibrillation with rapid response 186/min Acute inferolateral infarction Comment:The computer and, regrettably, some of the staff pronounced this VT despite some (and by inference, all) complexes being quite thin and the obvious ST segment
Reversible ST Segment Depression Myocardial Infarction
Report:Atrial fibrillation with ventricular response 65 – 103/min Precordial ST segment depression c/w infarction/ischæmia Comment:The CPK showed a rise to 900 U/L, while the troponin remained, unaccountably, negative. Later it transpired that there was
Sudden Death Syndrome: Main Left Pattern
Report:Atrial fibrillation with mean response 85/min Indeterminate axis Diffuse ST/T changes c/w MI/ischæmia Comment:The patient had recurrent VF and fatal cardiogenic shock in Casualty. The pattern of marked ST segment depression with elevation in a
Frequent, Multiform, R-on-T VEBs in Acute MI
Report:Atrial fibrillation Possible run of accelerated junctional rhythm 75/min (first four beats) VEBs, dimorphic couplet, R-on-T phenomenon Acute anterolateral infarction Probable old inferior infarction Comment:There is obvious ST segment elevati
Old Anteroseptal MI & BBBB
Report:Atrial fibrillation with rapid response 160/mi9n Right bundle branch block Left anterior hemiblock Standard masquerading bundle branch block Old anteroseptal infarction Comment:In 1 and aVL the QRS resembles LBBB rather than RBBB, a situation
Atrial Fibrillation in Hypothermia
Report: Atrial fibrillation with average ventricular response 97/min J (Osborn) waves suggest hypothermia Prolonged QT interval Comment: AF is the commonest arrhythmia in hypothermia, seen in about 50% patients. In Woden Valley Hospital (and in this Li
Report: Atrial fibrillation Mirror-image dextrocardia Comment: The dextrocardia was an incidental finding in this patient with traumatic subdural hæmatoma. There was no evidence of cardiopulmonary disease apart from AF. The latter could have been trigge