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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
The Commonest Cause of a Pause
Report:Sinus tachycardia 100/min 1 Atrial-sensing ventricular pacemaker rhythm 1 Blocked SVEB 6 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 Right bundle branch block 1 Comment:There is a subtle but definite change in the T wave of the last paced beat before the
Single Failure to Capture
Report:Sinus rhythm 63/min 2 Complete AV dissociation 4 Pacemaker rhythm 80/min 2 Single failure to pace 4 Comment:AV block cannot be accurately diagnosed here: the atrial (sinus) rate is too slow and the ventricular (pacemaker) rate too fast. Just be
Paced Escape - Paced Capture Bigeminy
Report:Sinus rhythm 57/min 0.5 Complete AV dissociation 0.5 Fixed pacemaker rhythm 31/min 3 Demand pacemaker escape rhythm (set at) 60/min 3 Escape-capture bigeminy 3 Comment:The original pacemaker continued to fire at 31/min as before, obviously dev
Pacemaker-Induced Reverse Wenckebach
Report:Sinus rhythm 56 – 58/min 1 Reverse Wenckebach AV conduction 5 Demand pacemaker rhythm 60/min 1 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 LVH with ST/T changes/incomplete LBBB 2 Comment:This may be the first reported case of reverse Wenckebach in a 12-le
Complete AV Dissociation
Report: Pacemaker rhythm 80/min 3 Sinus rhythm, non-conducted, 85/min 3 Complete AV dissociation 3 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 1 Comment: The paced complexes have the typical LBBB/LAD appearance, indicating pacing from the apex of the right ventricl
Flutter Bigeminy
Report:Atrial flutter 252/min 2 Alternating 2:1 & 4:1 block 2 Demand pacemaker 1 Pseudofusion spikes in alternate complexes 2 Small voltage, limb leads 1 Possible old anteroseptal infarction 1 Nonspecific ST/T changes 1 Comment:The pacemaker rate i
Sinus Bradycardia: Escape-Capture Bigeminy
Report:Sinus bradycardia 38/min 3 Ventricular pacemaker escape beats 2 Escape-capture bigeminy 4 Nonspecific ST/T changes 1 Comment:A precondition for escape-capture bigeminy is a very long effective supraventricular cycle, created in this instance by
Pseudofusion Beats
Report:Atrial pacemaker rhythm 64/min 2 SVEB 3 Pseudofusion beats 4 Nonspecific ST/T changes 1 Comment:The QRS complexes are normal except for the ventricular pacing spikes at their onset. They are not fusion beats – the SVEB is preceded by an atrial