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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Bizarre Trigeminy
Report:Atrial fibrillation Advanced or complete AV block Ventricular (first triplet) and junctional escape beats VEBs in couplets Trigeminy Small voltage, frontal leads Vertical heart position Possible old anteroseptal infarction Comment:There is
VEB Couplet
Report:Sinus tachycardia 126/min VEBs, one couplet Ventricular fusion Left bundle branch block Comment:To tell the truth, I reported only a single VEB here during my routine reporting; I kept the tracing as an example of a VEB narrower (perhaps throug
Sameness in the Same Lead
Report:Atrial fibrillation VEB (6th complex) Intraventricular conduction delay (unspecified) Comment:In all fairness, most of us would disregard the 6th beat if all there was to see was the rhythm strip and the strip was obtained during routine monitor
P-Deformed VEBs
Report: Sinus tachycardia 102/min VEBs Comment: In most cases P waves are not large enough to show through the superimposed VEBs; their presence is inferred from the completely compensatory pause containing the VEB. Here, the P waves are very large an
Multiform Bigeminal VEBs: Digoxin Toxicity
Report: Atrial fibrillation VEBs, bigeminal, multiform Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment: Multiform bigeminy is quite characteristic of digoxin toxicity. The VEBs are relatively narrow and may be of fascicular origin. The last 6 beats are all ventricula
Double Coupling of VEB Couplets
Report: Sinus arrhythmia 85 – 109/min Frequent VEBs Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) approx. 65/min Comment: The VEBs come in two morphologies, the tall and the stubby, in the L2 rhythm strip. The tall ones are premature, with a fixed coupling
VEBs: Retrograde Conduction
Report: Sinus rhythm VEBs, trigeminal, uniform Retrograde VA conduction Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Borderline right atrial abnormality (RAA) Probable old posterior infarction Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment: The compensatory pauses are longer t
Semiventricular Tachycardia
Report: Sinus tachycardia 100/min VEBs in bigeminy Possible ventricular fusion Left axis deviation (LAD) – 40o LVH with ST/T changes Inferior infarction, probably old Comment: Semiventricular is one of my own neologisms. Foreigners often take greate
QRs VEBs in V1
Report: Sinus rhythm VEBs, late-diastolic, in bigeminy Comment: The VEBs have an Rs morphology; the Q wave is in fact a superimposed, dissociated sinus P wave. The dissociation is incomplete in the case of the 6th and the 10th complex, where ‘a tad of f
VEB-Induced AV Block
Report: Sinus rhythm. VEBs Second-degree AV block, advanced. Junctional escape beats. Intraventricular conduction delay, QRS 0.12". Comment: All the occurrences of the AV block follow the VEBs. This is “an extremely rare phenomenon”, with only three