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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Echo Beats
Report: Sinus rhythm (7 beats) Ventricular tachycardia (4-beat run) VEBs, couplet (two beats) Reentry (echo) beats of ventricular origin (two beats) Comment: There are more QRS complexes of ventricular than supraventricular origin here - 8 vs. 7. Bo
Iatrogenous Pheochromocytoma
Report:Sinus tachycardia 148 -160/min VEBs Frequent Multiform Bigeminal Couplets Run of 4 (VT) Comment:The almost six fold rise in the systolic BP was a surprise. Once the patient survived the effects of the generous dose of adrenaline (a dose norm
Short Compensatory Pauses?
Report:Sinus rhythm. VEBs, some in pairs (couplets). SVEBs, couplet, following the last VEB couplet. Comment:The single VEB in the middle of the strip appears to have the usual, fully compensatory pause, being contained in a space of two sinus cycles.
VEBs: Couplets & Concealed Retrograde Conduction
Report: Sinus rhythm Left atrial abnormality (LAA) PR interval 0.20” Intraventricular conduction delay (QRS 0.12”) VEBs in couplets Triplet (or more, end of bottom strip) of ventricular tachycardia 102/min Concealed retrograde conduction Comment:
Runs of Ventricular Tachycardia
Report:Sinus rhythm 85/min VEBs, couplets Runs of ventricular tachycardia 164/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Left bundle branch block V2-V3 lead reversal Comment:The patient had many brief runs of VT, always introduced by the qR VEB couplets. The
Bizarre Trigeminy
Report:Atrial fibrillation Advanced or complete AV block Ventricular (first triplet) and junctional escape beats VEBs in couplets Trigeminy Small voltage, frontal leads Vertical heart position Possible old anteroseptal infarction Comment:There is
Double Coupling of VEB Couplets
Report: Sinus arrhythmia 85 – 109/min Frequent VEBs Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) approx. 65/min Comment: The VEBs come in two morphologies, the tall and the stubby, in the L2 rhythm strip. The tall ones are premature, with a fixed coupling
Echo Beats
Report: Sinus rhythm (7 beats) Ventricular tachycardia (4-beat run) VEBs, couplet (two beats) Reentry (echo) beats of ventricular origin (two beats) Comment: There are more QRS complexes of ventricular than supraventricular origin here - 8 vs. 7. Both