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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Dig the Break!
Report: Sinus rhythm 96/min Second degree AV block, 2:1[!xe "AV block:concealed:dig the break" \b!] SVEB[!xe "SVEBs:unmasking 2o AV block" \b!] Left bundle branch block Comment: The blocked alternate P waves are almost completely hidden by the des
Dig the Break!
Report: Sinus rhythm 96/min Second degree AV block, 2:1[!xe "AV block:concealed:dig the break" \b!] SVEB[!xe "SVEBs:unmasking 2o AV block" \b!] Left bundle branch block Comment: The blocked alternate P waves are almost completely hidden by the descend