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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia: Fusion and Narrow Capture Beats
Report:Sinus tachycardia 108/min Runs of ventricular tachycardia 134/min Fusion beats Possible old inferior infarction Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:The diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia is based on (i) R or qR complexes in V1; (ii) A-V dissoci
Fusion Terminating AIVR
Report: Sinus rhythm 74 – 80/min Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 69 – 74/min Ventricular fusion beat Comment: The AIVR accelerates, but to no avail: the faster sinus rhythm takes over by the middle of the recording. Between the two is a typical fusi
VT: Dressler Beat
Report:Ventricular tachycardia 188/min Termination by ventricular fusion beat (Dressler beat) Sinus tachycardia 120/min Probable inferior infarction Comment:The rhythm strip is not taken simultaneously with the three channels above. This has the advan
Fusion Beats Starting Runs of VT
Report:Sinus arrhythmia Ventricular tachycardia 132-185/min, non-sustained25 1:1 retrograde conduction Fusion beat Comment: The fusion beat starting the paroxysm of VT is diagnostic of the ventricular origin of the latter. Dressler beats are fusion
Dressler Beats in VT
Report: Ventricular tachycardia 160/min Spontaneous termination Ventricular fusion beats Sinus tachycardia 120/min Comment: The fusion beat during a run of VT is known as Dressler beat12. Note how it is easier to spot fusion beats looking at their r