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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Supernormal Conduction in RBBB
Report:Sinus rhythm 72/min SVEBs, one couplet Right bundle branch block Supernormal conduction Comment:The SVEBs are all preceded by P’, resetting the sinus pacemaker. What is unusual and unexpected is their normal intraventricular conduction despite
LBBB: Intermittent LAD
Report: Sinus rhythm SVEBs Left bundle branch block QRS 0.125” Intermittent left axis deviation –50o Comment: Approximately 50% of LBBBs have LAD; this one had LAD 50% of the time! How or why the predivisional LBBB becomes divisional, and back again,
AV Block: Nodal or Ventricular?
Report:Sinus rhythm Second degree AV block Intermittent right bundle branch block & left posterior hemiblock Prolonged QT interval Comment:The PR interval lengthens between the first and the second beat, but fails to grow observably longer between the
WPW Conduction Masking Ischæmia
Report:Sinus rhythm 56/min Intermittent Wolff-Parkinson-White ‘B’ conduction Comment:The last three beats are conducted normally, in V1 rhythm strip and anterolateral leads V4-6. The ST segment is straight and horizontal in V6, but not enough to comment