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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Left Main Coronary Artery Lesion
Report: Sinus rhythm First degree AV block PR 0.22" ST/T changes consistent with acute coronary insufficiency Comment: The ECG gradually normalised over the next five hours (Fig 100a); the CPK levels remained normal. Cardiac catheter demonstrated 95%
Left Main Coronary Artery Pattern
Report:Sinus rhythm 90/min Probable left ventricular hypertrophy ST/T changes c/w infarction/ischæmia Main left coronary artery lesion pattern Comment:The LVH voltage is seen in the frontal leads (R1 + S3 > 26 mm, RaVL > 13 mm) and in RV6 > RV5. LVH p
Unstable Angina
Report:Sinus rhythm 84/min Early transition ST segment depression suggestive of ischæmia Comment:There is enough horizontal (“plane”) or slowly rising (e.g., lead 2, V4) ST depression to define a positive exercise test, especially when followed by tota
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Report:Sinus rhythm 97/min ST segment depression c/w infarction/ischaemia Comment:The distribution of ST segment shifts is similar, but less pronounced, than in Case 2: diffuse ST depression with elevation confined to aVR and V1, greater in aVR. This ma
Sudden Death Syndrome: Main Left Pattern
Report:Atrial fibrillation with mean response 85/min Indeterminate axis Diffuse ST/T changes c/w MI/ischæmia Comment:The patient had recurrent VF and fatal cardiogenic shock in Casualty. The pattern of marked ST segment depression with elevation in a
Cooling Cardiac Arrest
Report:Sinus rhythm 99/min Intraventricular conduction defect c/c hypothermia Nonspecific ST/T changes Prolonged QT interval 0.40” QTc 0.84” Movement artefact V3 Comment:The hypothermic humps are rather inconspicuous, but there once one looks for th