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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Echo Beats
Report: Sinus rhythm (7 beats) Ventricular tachycardia (4-beat run) VEBs, couplet (two beats) Reentry (echo) beats of ventricular origin (two beats) Comment: There are more QRS complexes of ventricular than supraventricular origin here - 8 vs. 7. Bo
Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia: Fusion and Narrow Capture Beats
Report:Sinus tachycardia 108/min Runs of ventricular tachycardia 134/min Fusion beats Possible old inferior infarction Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:The diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia is based on (i) R or qR complexes in V1; (ii) A-V dissoci
Thioridazine Overdose
Report:Junctional/sinus rhythm VEB, dimorphic couplet Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (torsade de pointes) Comment:The torsades were very frequent, but the 12-lead ECG did not catch the best of them. Nevertheless, the one shown here is reasonably
Runs of Ventricular Tachycardia
Report:Sinus rhythm 85/min VEBs, couplets Runs of ventricular tachycardia 164/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Left bundle branch block V2-V3 lead reversal Comment:The patient had many brief runs of VT, always introduced by the qR VEB couplets. The
March of Rosenbaum’s Extrasystoles
Report:Sinus rhythm VEBs Runs of non-sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia 138/min Borderline left atrial abnormality Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:By definition, non-sustained VT lasts less than ½ minute. It is a different species from su
R-on-P Phenomena
Report:Sinus rhythm Runs of ventricular tachycardia R-on-P “phenomenon” Concealed retrograde conduction (top strip, end of VT) Possible ventricular fusion beat (onset of VT in bottom strip) Comment:This patient did well following intubation; no speci
Fusion Beats Starting Runs of VT
Report:Sinus arrhythmia Ventricular tachycardia 132-185/min, non-sustained25 1:1 retrograde conduction Fusion beat Comment: The fusion beat starting the paroxysm of VT is diagnostic of the ventricular origin of the latter. Dressler beats are fusion
Seven Dwarfs Undetected
Report:Sinus rhythm Ventricular tachycardia (non-sustained, 7-beat run) 138-142/min 1:1 retrograde conduction Atrial escape beat Comment:The ectopic QRSs are so small that the monitor alarmed because of the low heart rate. At least it did alarm, one o
Multiform Ventricular Tachycardia
Report: Sinus tachycardia 180/min VEBs, some in bigeminy Multiform ventricular tachycardia 280-310/min Comment: The sinus tachycardia was confirmed on 12-lead ECGs. It is very fast, reflecting both continued pain and hæmodynamic instability. The VEB
Two Wrongs Making Two Rights!
Report: Sinus tachycardia 110/min Left bundle branch block Left axis deviation Runs of ventricular tachycardia 150 - 160/min AV dissociation Ventricular fusion beats Comment: This is from Schamroth himself: two wrongs sometimes make a right60. The t