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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Cerebral Mimicry of MI
Report: Sinus tachycardia 127/min Right atrial abnormality VEB Acute inferolateral (or, better, inferior + anterior) myocardial infarction Prolonged QT interval Comment: The last item, QT prolongation, is the only clue that this is not an ordinary my
Acute Pancreatitis – Mime of Inferior MI
Report:Sinus tachycardia 132/min Probable acute inferior and anterior (V4) infarction Reciprocal ST segment depression in aVL Comment:In a patient with acute pancreatitis the likelihood of acute infarction remains remote. An ECG suggesting it is most l
Report:Sinus rhythm 57/min Borderline first degree AV block PR 0.22” Right (or northwest) axis deviation +225o RsR’ V1 Poor R wave progression Possible right ventricular hypertrophy Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage Possible old inferolateral i