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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Lean Child of Fat Parents
Report:Sinus rhythm 60/min 1 First degree AV block 1 Right bundle branch block 1 AV sequential pacemaker rhythm 60/min 1 No atrial capture 1 Ventricular pacemaker rhythm 60/min 1 Superior electrode displacement 1 Fusion beats 3 Comment:The tempor
High Electrode Tip Irrelevant
Report: AV pacemaker rhythm 89/min, 100% atrial and ventricular capture 2 Positive QRS axis +25o 8 Comment: Post-CABG, the pacemaker leads are “implanted” epicardially. Thus the positive L2 does not denote difficult pacing, instability, or irritabilit