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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Möbitz 2 Block
Report: Sinus rhythm Second degree AV block, Möbitz 2 Right bundle branch block Comment: The conducted P waves show no increment in their PR intervals prior to the blocked one - a clear-cut case of Möbitz 2 block. Typically, the QRS itself is prolonged
Jogger’s Wenckebach
Report:Sinus rhythm Wenckebach (Möbitz 1) second degree AV block, atypical Periods of 2:1 conduction (block) Comment:The patient may well have a mild form congenital heart block, but the progressive angina should call for evaluation of his coronary res
Three Causes of Pauses & Many Diagnoses
Report:Sinus rhythm 88 - 92/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) P wave 0.12” SVEB, non-conducted VEBs, late-diastolic Ventricular fusion beat (third last complex in the bottom strip) Junctional escape (top strip) and premature beat (bottom strip), RBB
The Race Is Not to the Swift…
Report: Sinus rhythm & arrhythmia 58 - 74/min. Left anterior hemiblock (LAHB). Right bundle branch block (RBBB). Second degree AV block, 2:1, rate-dependent. Comment:The patient has, in addition to obvious conduction problems, an abnormally marked sin
Ventriculophasic Sinus Arrhythmia
Report: Sinus rhythm Ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia[!xe "Ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia" \b!] 2:1 Second degree AV block Non-specific T wave changes[!xe "P wave:mime by U wave" \b!] Comment: This trace shows that the ventriculophasic effect can
Sinus-Junctional Escape-Capture Bigeminy
Report:Sinus rhythm 84/min Borderline left atrial abnormality (LAA) Second degree AV block, unspecified Junctional escape beats Escape-capture bigeminy LVH with ST/T changes Comment:Only every third sinus P wave is conducted, with a PR interval just
Slow Junctional Escape in Complete AV Block
Report:Sinus rhythm 90/min Third degree AV block Junctional escape rhythm 19/min Anterior infarction ? incomplete LBBB QT/T wave changes consistent with ischæmia or preceding syncope. Comment:As in the previous case, the escape pacemaker, although a
Dig the Break!
Report: Sinus rhythm 96/min Second degree AV block, 2:1[!xe "AV block:concealed:dig the break" \b!] SVEB[!xe "SVEBs:unmasking 2o AV block" \b!] Left bundle branch block Comment: The blocked alternate P waves are almost completely hidden by the descend
Atrial Fibrillation with Complete AV Block
Report:Atrial fibrillation Third degree AV block VEB Junctional escape rhythm 42/min Possible old inferior MI Diffuse ST/T changes Comment:The ventricular rate is completely regular and slow, disturbed only by a single VEB. The VEB looks like LBBB,
Over the Top
Report: Sinus rhythm First degree AV block (shortest PR 0.48”)[!xe "AV block:first degree:skipped P waves" \b!] Second degree AV block, Möbitz 1 (Wenckebach) Skipped P waves (over the top conduction)[!xe "P wave:skipped" \b!] Comment: This is quite a