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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Xylocaine Tachycardia
Report:Sinus tachycardia 114/min (middle strip) SVEBs Blocked, in bigeminy (top) Aberrantly conducted, in bigeminy (bottom) Comment: Xylocaine has some atropinic effect and may have facilitated AV conduction, impairing at the same time the intraven
Rate-Dependent LBBB
Report: Sinus rhythm 90/min SVEBs, blocked, in bigeminy Left bundle branch block, rate-dependent Comment: The blocked atrial extrasystoles are discretely etched on the onset of the T wave. In the upper strip, the last LBBB complex has a distinctive
Rosenbaum Extrasystoles
Report:Sinus rhythm VEBs in bigeminy Borderline ST segment depression Comment:In the frontal plane, the VEBs have a right axis (not deviation, since VEBs do not have a range of normal axes). They are Rosenbaum extrasystoles, often seen in people with n
Minuscule VEBs
Report: Sinus rhythm 90/min VEBs, bigeminal and trigeminal Comment: The minuscule VEBs simulate blocked P’ waves except that (i) they either march through sinus P waves (upper strip) or, at times, (ii) create retrograde P waves of their own (lower strip
Iatrogenous Pheochromocytoma
Report:Sinus tachycardia 148 -160/min VEBs Frequent Multiform Bigeminal Couplets Run of 4 (VT) Comment:The almost six fold rise in the systolic BP was a surprise. Once the patient survived the effects of the generous dose of adrenaline (a dose norm
R-on-P Bigeminal Tachycardia
Report: (Lead V1) Sinus tachycardia 108/min Incomplete right bundle branch block VEBs (late-diastolic, R-on-P) in bigeminy Comment: The broader complexes, terminating slightly shorter cycles, fall at the end of sinus P waves. A “tad of fusion” cannot
R-on-P Bigeminy
Report:Sinus rhythm 93/min First degree AV block (PR 0.28”) VEBs, bigeminal Early transition (counterclockwise rotation) Nonspecific ST/T changes Comment:The VEBs are easily recognised for what they are, with obvious dissociation from the preceding (
R-on-T & R-on-P at the Same Time
Report: Sinus tachycardia 124/min VEBs in bigeminy & trigeminy R-on-T phenomenon Right bundle branch block Comment: The bigeminal VEBs would be still narrower were it not for the superimposition of sinus P waves on their initial vector. The VEBs not
Mixed Bigeminy
Report: Sinus rhythm 74/min SVEBs, blocked VEBs Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST/T changes Comment: The diagnosis of sinus bradycardia is refuted by the negative (in the inferior leads) P waves – probably of junctional origin – after the first, fi
Semiventricular Tachycardia
Report: Sinus tachycardia 100/min VEBs in bigeminy Possible ventricular fusion Left axis deviation (LAD) – 40o LVH with ST/T changes Inferior infarction, probably old Comment: Semiventricular is one of my own neologisms. Foreigners often take greate