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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Cerebral T Waves
Report: Sinus tachycardia 120/min Vertical heart position Left ventricular hypertrophy with atypical ST/T changes Prolonged QT interval Comment: It is not possible to determine with certainty whether the QT interval is prolonged or U waves are present
Brain Waves
Report: Sinus rhythm 90/min Prominent T waves Prolonged QT interval Comment: The patient became brain dead soon after this trace was taken, from a massive subarachnoid hæmorrhage. The “cerebral” repolarisation changes are most specific with giant T wav
Giant T Wave Inversion: Cerebral Hæmorrhage
Report: Sinus rhythm Left anterior hemiblock Giant T wave inversion Comment: The patient, ever more rousable, started complaining of severe headache and a lumbar puncture136 showed blood and xanthochromia; she was transferred to the ICU. It is not an i
Peaked Waves After Head Injury
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min Borderline right axis deviation +90o Right atrial abnormality Tall peaked T waves ?cause Prolonged QT interval QTc 0.50” Comment:The T waves are, of course, typical of hyperkalæmia: narrow-based, tall and peaked. There wa
QT Prolongation: Carbon Monoxide Coma
Report: Sinus rhythm Prolonged QT interval (0.65”)[!xe "QT interval:CO poisoning" \b!] Comment: The cerebral injury is reflected in the large, broad T waves and the associated QT interval prolongation. As a general rule of the thumb, the T waves should
Report:Sinus rhythm approx. 65/min Frequent VEBs in couplets, single one interpolated Left bundle branch block QRS 0.14” Comment:The VEBs are narrower in many leads than the LBBB sinus beats; this is not unusual in patients with bundle branch blocks.
Giant T Wave Inversion
Report: Sinus rhythm Giant T wave inversion Comment: The patient became brain dead soon after the tracing was obtained. The ECG is diagnostic of a cerebral event. The phenomenon of giant T wave inversion is discussed in her (and Case 190’s) case report2
Mime of Cerebral Injury
Report:Sinus rhythm 75/min Borderline low voltage Poor R wave progression Diffuse T wave inversion Prolonged QT interval Comment:The tracing is quite suggestive of a cerebral event, but there was none. Cardiac catheter showed segmental akinesia and h