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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Post-Ectopic Sino-Atrial Depression
Report:Sinus rhythm 74/min SVEBs, one RBBB-aberrant Marked post-ectopic SA depression (overdrive suppression) Left bundle branch block Comment:The 7th beat’s P’ distorts the T wave of the preceding sinus beat. The pause containing the SVEB is more t
VEBs: Long Compensatory Pauses
Report:Sinus rhythm 97/min VEBs Right bundle branch block Probable old inferior infarction Comment:The pauses containing the VEBs are obviously longer than two sinus cycles. This admits only one explanation – the VEBs have been conducted retrogradely
Reentry (Echo) Beats of Ventricular Origin
Report: Sinus rhythm VEBs Bigeminal Couplets & triplets Retrograde VA conduction First degree VA block Wenckebach conduction Reentry Post-ectopic sino-atrial depression Junctional escape beats Comment: There are two reentry beats: third last in
Slow Bidirectional Tachycardia
Report: Bidirectional tachycardia 104/min Retrograde VA conduction Junctional escape beats AV dissociation Sinus rhythm 95 – 98/min Overdrive (post-ectopic) SA suppression Comment: The rhythm is obviously bigeminal, with narrow rS
Post-Ectopic Sino-Atrial Depression
Report:Sinus rhythm 74/min SVEBs, one RBBB-aberrant Marked post-ectopic SA depression (overdrive suppression) Left bundle branch block Comment:The 7th beat’s P’ distorts the T wave of the preceding sinus beat. The pause containing the SVEB is more tha
Anterior MI: Bigeminal VEBs with Retrograde Conduction
Report:Sinus rhythm 56 – 64/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) VEBs, bigeminal Retrograde VA conduction Acute anterior infarction Comment:It would be redundant to report poor R wave progression in the face of obvious anterior infarction (the computer
Fully Compensatory Pause: Post-Ectopic SA Depression
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min 1 Left atrial abnormality (LAA) 2 SVEB with (fully) compensatory pause 3 Atrial-sensing ventricular pacing with 100% capture 4 Comment:The SVEB, probably of atrial origin, causes a fully compensatory pause – exactly the len