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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
2:1 & Advanced 2o AV Block
Report: Sinus tachycardia 125/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Second degree AV block, 2:1 & advanced First degree AV block (PR 0.28”) in conducted beats VEB (ventricular escape beat) Left anterior hemiblock Right bundle branch block, atypical Lef
Sudden Ventricular Standstill
Report: Sinus tachycardia 100/min Borderline first degree AV block Left bundle branch block Third degree AV block Ventricular escape beats (bottom) Comment: This is a typical example of AV block in acute anterior infarction: RBBB or LBBB (as here)
Complete Heart Block: Anterior MI
Report: Sinus tachycardia Third degree AV block Ventricular escape beats and rhythm Comment: The slowing of the sinus rate in the forth and fifth strips was ominous, reflecting sinus node hypoxia or ischæmia. The ventricular escapes were slow and un
AIVR & Retrograde Conduction
Report: Sinus arrhythmia VEB (second complex in the top strip) Atrial (?junctional) escape complex (9th in the top strip) Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 86-89/min Retrograde conduction Fusion beats Comment: Typically, the retrograde 1:1 conducti
Single Beat ECG
Report:Atrial flutter 180/min Third degree AV block Ventricular escape beat Comment:This looks like an agonal ECG, taken by inertia of the admission “workup” when the patient was already as good as dead. Not so: he was transferred to CCU, where he
Ventricular Escape Beat
Report : Sinus rhythm 70/min SVEBs VEB Left atrial abnormality (LAA) Left anterior hemiblock Right bundle branch block Prolonged QT interval (QTc 0.50”) Nonspecific ST/T changes Possible LVH (R in aVL >15mm, R1 + S3 > 27mm) Probable anterosepta
Fusion VEBs in Trigeminy
Report:Sinus tachycardia VEBs in trigeminy Fusion beats Comment:The degree of fusion varies with the P-VEB interval. With only a minor degree of ventricular contribution to fusion, the late-diastolic VEBs may pass unnoticed or be mistaken for effects o
Ventricular Fusion Rhythm
Report: Sinus rhythm Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) AV dissociation Ventricular fusion beats Comment: The periods of AIVR in the upper strips are introduced or terminated by fusion complexes; the 8-beat run in the bottom strip consists enti
Left Bundle Branch Block-Like Ventricular Tachycardia
Report:Ventricular tachycardia 196/min[! XE !] Comment:This is a rapid VT with morphology quite similar to LBBB. The QRS duration is about 0.16”, best measured in the inferior leads. However, in V1, normally the most important diagnostic lead, it looks s
Fusion Beats Starting Runs of VT
Report:Sinus arrhythmia Ventricular tachycardia 132-185/min, non-sustained25 1:1 retrograde conduction Fusion beat Comment: The fusion beat starting the paroxysm of VT is diagnostic of the ventricular origin of the latter. Dressler beats are fusion