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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Non-Coronary Ischæmia
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min Borderline first degree AV block ST/T changes suggestive of ischæmia Comment:This is a good example of horizontal (“plane”) ST segment depression highly suggestive – almost diagnostic – of ischæmia. The associated T wave chan
Non-Q Myocardial Infarction
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min Non-specific T wave changes Comment:By convention, the report could have said “non-specific ST/T changes” or “non-specific repolarisation changes”; it matters little. Such changes are almost invariably non-specific.This is a r
Anterior Infarction: “Trifascicular” Block
Report:Sinus rhythm 99/min First degree AV block PR interval 0.28” Right bundle branch block Left anterior hemiblock Axis –85o Extensive acute anterior infarction Comment:The term “trifascicular” is a misnomer – irresistible to some – because the A
Anterior MI: Bigeminal VEBs with Retrograde Conduction
Report:Sinus rhythm 56 – 64/min Left atrial abnormality (LAA) VEBs, bigeminal Retrograde VA conduction Acute anterior infarction Comment:It would be redundant to report poor R wave progression in the face of obvious anterior infarction (the computer
Inferolateral Infarction or Prinzmetal Angina?
Report:Sinus tachycardia 112/min Acute inferolateral infarction Comment:Again, like in the previous example, one would have to report infarction. This time however it was documented spasm in a cocaine addict. The artery was probably left circumflex, giv
Ischæmic ST Segment Depression
Report:Sinus rhythm 88/min ST/T changes suggestive of ischæmia Comment:In a person with chest pain (or equivalent – women have a lot of those55) this ECG is diagnostic. There are plane, slowly rising, or downsloping ST segments in many leads and elevati
Frequent, Multiform, R-on-T VEBs in Acute MI
Report:Atrial fibrillation Possible run of accelerated junctional rhythm 75/min (first four beats) VEBs, dimorphic couplet, R-on-T phenomenon Acute anterolateral infarction Probable old inferior infarction Comment:There is obvious ST segment elevati
Sudden Death Syndrome: Main Left Pattern
Report:Atrial fibrillation with mean response 85/min Indeterminate axis Diffuse ST/T changes c/w MI/ischæmia Comment:The patient had recurrent VF and fatal cardiogenic shock in Casualty. The pattern of marked ST segment depression with elevation in a
Localised Traumatic Pericarditis
Report:Sinus tachycardia 116/min Anterolateral ST segment elevation Comment:The anterolateral ST segment elevation exceeds 5 mm (in V4) and, although saddle-shaped and without obvious reciprocal changes in the inferior leads, striking enough to scare th